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Get ready for the party of the year!

Get ready for the party of the year!

Some small bits of information were already presented to you last month. But today, we will show you what this is all about!

Place and time are already known - August 23rd will be the day we'll burn the dancefloor - and you can't miss that!

But what exactly is it we are planning? We want to celebrate an unforgettable party night!

What do you need for that?

An awesome location - the Wartesaal am Dom is exactly that!

Food and drinks - we got you!

Music - we are bringing talented DJs with us, like Sarazar and Circle of Alchemists. That means: hit the dancefloor!

Entertainment - Meet popular Cosplay stars and participate in our Cosplay Competition. So if you are a cosplayer by heart, you have to experience this evening!

Music, Cosplay, drinks and good vibes - awesome, right? With Sarazar, we offer you a youtube star in the gamigo-party-sky, but he's not the only star in the sky! That's why we complete our VIP list with even more famous names. But if you want to know who's showing up, you will have to do so yourself! We'd like to give you one more name in advance: Rewinside is awaiting you for a Meet & Greet!

All this, expanded with an exclusive VIP-Area, a photo booth and many more surprises, will elevate this event to an unforgettable experience!

And that's for everybody to just come by? Well, it's not quite that easy.

This event firstly is a big "thank you" to you, the players! And exactly that is what it's going to be - a big party for the true star of the evening: you! Nonetheless, our location does not offer enough space for every single one of our players. And that's why we are asking: would you really like to be a part of this? Celebrate a giant party night with a good 1000 players? Then you will have to sign up for it on our >>>website<<< to save yourself free access as a guest or come as a VIP!

See you in Cologne!