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GAME NEWS » Fiesta North America



Fiesta has grown dark and spooky - the perfect time to go trick-or-treating in Elderine!

An All Hallow's Eve Fiesta!

As the lights dim in the streets, you put on your most spooky and fearsome costume and prepare to drive the demons and ghosts home that dare cross the border into this realm….

Well, in reality you probably land on putting on that fearsome costume and then extorting mountains of sweets and candy from more or less unsuspecting citizens, but hey, it’s allowed, it’s Hallow’s Eve after all!

But don’t forget the fun we have prepared for you over your sugar flash! Isya might seem a tad darker than the last time you visited, and what’s that? It seems, in parts of Isya, the ghosts have already returned! Make sure to fight them wherever you see them, and prepare for spooky quests and activities. To get your footing, visit Margaret in Elderine. You can find her at the fountain right next to Guard Captain Shutian. Oh, and look, there is a portal right next to her that wasn’t there before…

We hope you enjoy the spooky weeks of the year as much as we do.

Happy gaming!

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